One of the primary objectives of the Mesh Centre for the development of healthy minds is to create
awareness about mental health.
It is also one of our mandates to make sure that people take with paramount importance aspects of their mental health and to see that people live out their potentials. In this regard the Mesh Centre started her awareness campaign.
On 12th Nov 2021 the Mesh Centre for the development of healthy minds had a mental health awareness
program for the teachers and non academic staffs of St Mathew’s schools television Kaduna.
A monthly workshop / training will be organised for the teachers and their students as part of our school-based intervention program.
Retirement is a huge life event, that can sometimes leave people feeling like they have lost their identity. Many retirees are not often emotionally prepared for the change that retirement can wrought in their lives and as such, plans are hardly ever put in place that can help with the navigation.
Family is the single most important thing that can affect a child’s life and an adults life. Using their first occasions of life, children rely upon parents and family to safeguard them and protect their needs. Using past and current experiences, adults rely on the love and guidance of their family to navigate life.
Our Faith centre is a place of quiet worship, reflection and meditations that is open and available to all our members and supporters of the community. It is designed with the need for God’s presence in our world. As a faith based organisation, we believe in having God at the centre of all our plans, projects and work, but especially, at the centre of our lives.
Emotional health is an important part of our overall health. We believe that when we are emotionally healthy, we are in better control of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. We are better able to cope with life’s challenges, keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setbacks.
We need your support in order to affect the lives of our youth, pensioners and
other citizens who are unable to find a better way out of their situations.